Amnesty Intl decries Tinubu’s failure to uphold human rights

After six months in office as Nigeria’s president, Bola Tinubu has failed to uphold human rights in the country, Amnesty International said yesterday.

The International human rights body said this at a public presentation of a document titled, “Nigeria: Human Rights Agenda 2023,” in Abuja.

Amnesty Intl decries Tinubu’s failure to uphold human rights

The document details various areas of human rights violations in Nigeria.

“Tinubu unveiled new government policies that do not address rampant human rights violations across the country,” a press statement issued at the launch of the human rights agenda said.

However, the organisation said President Tinubu has the chance to ensure that everyone enjoys their human rights.

It urged the president to “hold perpetrators of past rights violations to account.”

In an opening statement, Isa Sanusi, country director, Amnesty International Nigeria, said it was imperative to set an agenda for the Tinubu-led administration in the area of human rights protection.

Mr Sanusi disclosed that copies of the agenda had been sent to President Tinubu and other top government functionaries with a view to helping them chart a new course of action against rights violations.

“We implore the government to make human rights protection its priority by ensuring that everyone Nigerian’s rights are protected, and that perpetrators of rights breaches do not go unpunished.

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