About Us

Nigeria News Abroad’s NigeriaNewsAbroad.com is an online news medium dedicated to serving the best interests of Nigerians who live in Nigeria and their compatriots who reside in various far-flung places of the world, including countries in Africa, the Americas, and Europe, among others.

Through its servings of a medley of news, entertainment, sports, and related stories, including well-researched features pieces, our online platform aims to inform and serve Nigerians wherever they may be or live. 

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We at Nigeria News Abroad’s nigerianewsabroad.com strive to achieve this aim by utilizing innovative technology and other instruments of the modern media to bring Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora news and features across all spheres. Our goal is to inform, educate, and entertain our readers, among others, while nurturing the growth of democracy within the Nigerian space and strengthening its civil and other institutions.

For suggestions, concerns, ideas, and anything you feel like telling us, email us at [email protected]

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Yemi Olakitan, General Editor

Blessing Sobola, Web Reporter

Ife Olagunju, Web Reporter

Abimbola Oladiran, IT Consultant

Nkiru Chukwuma, Marketing Manager