Robert Otto joins Yuyuan African “cheetah” ready to go

The Yuyuan football team has signed a contract with a young striker from Nigeria, Robert Otu. This new player has completed the mandatory 14-day quarantine and reported to the team in the morning on Wednesday (October 28) to participate in training.

Robert Otto represented the University of Lagos in Nigeria in the University League in 2018 and 19. At the end of last year, he joined the National League team Remo Star and became a professional player for the first time. After completing his law degree at the university, he said: A professional football player was my childhood dream, and completing my studies is also very important. Graduating from college means that I can pursue my dreams with all my heart.”

This striker, who has the nickname Jaguar (cheetah) in his hometown because of his agility and high speed, has watched the game footage of Yuyuan from the Internet before coming to Hong Kong. He laughed and said, “My teammates only met me today, but I know everyone. It’s been a while.” At the same time, I felt the harmonious atmosphere in the team during the first training session: “I’m very happy to join Yuyuan. My teammates warmly welcome me, and I’ve gotten acquainted with individual players.”

During the mandatory quarantine period, Robert Otto did not forget to exercise physical fitness and maintain muscle strength. He said: “I know my progress is slightly behind my teammates, so I have to catch up as soon as possible. After all, the league will start soon. I am concerned about the weather in Hong Kong. Adapted well and didn’t feel too tired after training.”

Robert Otto said that there are many reports and information about the Hong Kong Super League on the Internet, even surpassing some higher-level leagues. This is also the reason that attracts him to develop in the east: “There are highlights of Hong Kong Super League matches online. There are also a lot of reports. These have increased the exposure of the players and helped the players to be noticed by the outside world. I think this is very good.”

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