Toppro Training Programme Excites Nigerian Football Coaches

There is untold excitement amongst Nigerian grassroots football coaches as they formalise plans to participate in the forthcoming training programme being organized by one of Nigeria’s foremost sports outfits, TopPro Sports Management Company.

This much was revealed when the executives of Lagos Divisional Football Association (LDFA) and coaches in the division led by its Chairman Tunde Tinubu met with the management of TopPro Sports company, to discuss the proposed training programme, as well as, state the readiness of its members to participate in the programme.

The Chief Executive Officer of TopPro Sports company, Ayodele Thomas explained that the programme is ostensibly aimed at improving and raising the standard of Nigeria locally based footballers as their current state is an indication of the standard of their coaches.

” The technical qualities of our players have been dropping for a very long time. And it is attributable to the quality of coaching they get from the grassroots coaches who have equally been neglected. Hence the need to impact knowledge on the coaches who would transfer to our footballers,” Thomas explained.

According to the renowned football investor who is also the Chairman of Football Intermediaries Association of Nigeria (FIAN), the proposed 3-months training programme, has been receiving encouraging feelers from top and grassroots football coaches across the country, as well as, endorsement by the football authorities in the country.

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